
Plein air painting; the art of wide open spaces- Dubois, Wyoming

While on vacation I find that, like anyone else, I don't really care to do what is my normal work. I do enjoy watching others do it however! A group of artists was attending a plein air workshop in Dubois while we were there, and our host invited them to Wagon Box Ranch to paint, as they do every September. I didn't set up an easel, but I had my phone and Instagram application handy to capture some of what they were doing. I must say, I found it so inspiring to watch them that I just may join them next year, and spend some part of vacation "working", and get some pointers from group leader Jeanne MacKenzie, pictured below.

Paints arrived! Chroma Interactive asks me to product test new paints- Seattle, WA

Chroma Interactive artist's acrylic paints in 12 colors of my choice will be the medium I use on the next batch of paintings. Chroma wants feedback from artists on the product. They ask in return for an image of a painting I create that they may use for marketing the paints. I am quite happy to be a product tester for these paints. The colors are vivid and the paint has a consistency of extremely thick cream- and is just as luscious. I am going to try using the paints right from the jars and mixing colors directly on the painting surface rather than on palettes, as the consistency lends itself to that technique. I have been using Golden Paints, which are thicker and must be scooped out of the jars with a palette knife. I have loved my Goldens, but am very excited to be trying out paints that will change my painting technique. End results coming soon!