
If there's a dog in it, is it still art? Presentation on "kitsch", Seattle, WA

I finally edited the video of a presentation I did last year as a "Pecha Kucha", a style of presentation where each presenter is given 6 minutes to show 20 slides for 20 seconds each. The presenter has no control of the slideshow. It was tricky! The topic was "Kitsch- Bad Art Gone Good", link below to youtube vid.

kitsch PK fb

Is it still art if there's a dog in it? Presentation on kitsch and art- Seattle, WA

If you live in or near Seattle and love art, please join us for a Pecha Kucha night about kitsch and art. Pecha Kucha  20x20 is a simple presentation format where one shows 20 images, each for 20 seconds. There will be several presenters ranging from a chocolatier to a scientist; from garden gnomes to, of course, DOG ART!

Isn't every dog a work of art?


Kitsch poster