
Plein air painting; the art of wide open spaces- Dubois, Wyoming

While on vacation I find that, like anyone else, I don't really care to do what is my normal work. I do enjoy watching others do it however! A group of artists was attending a plein air workshop in Dubois while we were there, and our host invited them to Wagon Box Ranch to paint, as they do every September. I didn't set up an easel, but I had my phone and Instagram application handy to capture some of what they were doing. I must say, I found it so inspiring to watch them that I just may join them next year, and spend some part of vacation "working", and get some pointers from group leader Jeanne MacKenzie, pictured below.

My Summer Vacation; the art of good times- Dubois, Wyoming

"There's a lot to learn, from wasting time . . ." Neil Young My essay upon returning to home ground is about my summer vacation, as grade school traditions continue. Our annual pilgrimage to Dubois, Wyoming, is over now but my essay lives on about good times with good friends, too much good food and wine, spectacular scenery and activities, and plenty of "wasting time". Which is never a waste, but a renewal and preparation for the work ahead. The studio awaits, as always, but I must first re-live the art of doing nothing, which is the art of doing much.


Until next year, dreams of Wyoming may find their way into this year's paintings!